Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Fatigue and Me Time

Okay, maybe there is no carnival, but I could start one?

It is not really so bad, but after a successful morning of getting up at 5:10 AM yesterday, today my son was calling for me at 4:20 AM, and I couldn't get him to go back to bed after a long sit on the potty (him, not me), as he'd really, REALLY wanted to go so he could get an M and M. (He gets one if he goes pee, which isn't very often now days.)

So now, I'm feeling that Friday Fatigue. I'm trying to learn to be creative with the time, like write a blog post while he watches TV, or start a load of laundry, or one day, I think I mopped the floor. I suppose I could be watching his show with him, but this kind of mommy loves TV time to get MY things done and get a little ME time. Do you do that too?

Here's my little guy taking some "Me Time" for himself one morning. He took apart and toy and created his own little car ramp. I love the creativity! When he does things like this he can get so occupied and I just want him to go with it.

I just realized yesterday I still have a giftcard for a pedicure/manicure, and that would make for some great "Me Time" soon. How would you spend some Me Time right now if you could find it?

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