Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WFMW: Keeping My Wardrobe Manageable

If you were to look in our walk-in closet, you might see that I actually have fewer clothes (at least out, hanging) than my husband. You would never call me a hoarder of clothing.

You see, I tire of clothing pretty easily, and I find myself just stopping wearing clothes that I don't care for anymore. I try to take these clothes, prior to them getting too worn, and fold them up to take to a resale shop so I can at least look for some new items or get some things for my son in exchange. It also gives me an excuse to go out and shop for new things!

Every few months or so, I take out those items that I don't really love anymore. I find that those things I do love I sear all the time, and truly those are the "keepers". This is at least for my work and casual clothes. Of course there are those items you want for those rare special occasions too, and those are worth holding onto.

That's what works for me. What works for you?


  1. I try to clean things out now and then too, but I'm more of a hoarder. I've gotten to where I wear MOST of what is in my closet. Most.
    You're way better than I am!

  2. so that's how the fashionista does it...thanks for sharing :)
