Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WILTW: Artichokes Grow WHAT Way?

Some weeks it is really hard to reflect on what I've learned, but this week, when I saw it, I just KNEW it would have to be in my What I Learned This Week post!

1. Here it is, and do you know what it is?
Brussel sprouts. Yeah. That's how they grow! I was at a local organic food store, picking up other items and saw them there. It is kind of like when I saw pineapple growing at a farm in Hawaii. I had no idea!

2. Another thing I learned this week is that my son is at THE perfect age to want to be with me in the bathroom every morning, observing me do all sorts of things. I won't go into detail on this one too much, but one morning, after I'd used the restroom, he remarked, "Mommy, you have a ribbon!", pointing, well...down there. "Yes...I do," was all I could say, while holding back huge laughter.

3. Lastly, I've learned that Halloween through Christmas flies by when you have children. I haven't even put away all the Halloween stuff yet (stacked up in my room), and I'm hauling _____ to try to get my Christmas cards ready to get printed. Like Julie from Inmates, I love to do my holiday cards this coming weekend (well, she likes to be done by then), and I'm not sure I'm going to make it!

What have you learned this week?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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