Monday, June 28, 2010

WILTW: Being an "Older" Mom

Okay, I didn't just learn all this this week, but having spent two days during the week at home with my son, having the days off, I re-learned some things:

1. I think they are lying when they say "40 is the new 30." I sure don't feel as energetic at 40 as I did 30. My hubby just said, "With kids, 40 is the new 50."

2. AMA. That's what they called me while pregnant. Advanced Maternal Age. You see, I was only 37 at the time. I hear at 40 they call it Geriatric. Is that why I'm exhausted at naptime too?

3. Carrying around your son on your back and acting like a horse can lead to back problems the next day. I'm not sure that happens to 20-year-old moms, or even 37-year-old moms.

4. "C'mon Mommy!" While your son can climb up on the slide and go down 10 million times over and over again, when he requests you do too (almost that many times), you end up as sweaty as your son.

5. Cold popsicles still taste good on a hot day after going up and down a slide 10 million times.

6. You might not guess I'm 40, but I sure feel it. I've never had less exercise in my adult life (true exercise) since he was born. Blogging doesn't count either, does it?

7. I might wiser at my age, to be a parent, but I wonder if my patience is actually less? 

8. This one I learned awhile back, you're an old parent if in reaching under the sofa to get a toy, you just hope and pray: A) you don't pop something in your shoulder trying to get it out, or B) your child doesn't jump on your back in your vulnerable state (which could case A also).

9. While it isn't more nobler, is it certainly much easier to be at work than it is to stay at home with your child and truly be engaged (even when you're not engaged too, I think).

10. My list could go on, but 10 is a good number. I am glad I waited so long to start a family, because I have two of the greatest people (my son and hubby) in my life and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
For more things others have learned this week, go see Julie at From Inmates to Playdates.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an older mama, too! I started at 29 which isn't all that young. Just after that things started poppin' and crackin' and saggin' and not all in that order, either. =)
